More belly fat can be fatal in women, increases the risk of these 5 diseases

Belly fat in women: Many research has revealed that more belly fat can be fatal in women than men. This increases the risk of many diseases.


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 Risk of Belly Fat in women: Weight gain or excess belly fat is neither right for men nor healthy for women's health. Increasing belly fat also increases the risk of many diseases. In many research, it has been said that having more belly fat in women than men can be fatal. Due to belly fat, no dress fits or suits your body properly. In such a situation, the confidence in you is weak, you feel embarrassed.

 Side effects of excess belly fat

 Belly fat can surround you with physical problems such as stress, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, lethargy, sleep deprivation. There are two types of fat in the body, subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. The main function of fat is to help store energy in the body. Visceral fat is harmful to health, as it accumulates around parts of the body such as the heart, liver, stomach, lungs. How can it be harmful for women to have more belly fat in women?

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 1. may be troubled by swelling problem

 Excess of belly fat can cause inflammation. Inflammation increases the risk of many other diseases. If visceral fat is high in the body, then the inflammation increases because it affects the liver. Hormones are imbalanced in the body due to inflammation. Metabolism of the body is also affected by this.

 2.Belly fat in  women increases the risk of diabetes

 The accumulation of access fat around the abdomen of women can also increase the risk of diabetes. Belly fat is more harmful than fatty fat on the hips, thighs, arms. This increases the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

 3. more belly fat increases blood pressure

 When the insulin level in your body increases, the blood pressure starts to be high. Resists the body's increased high sugar level and insulin level in the blood, leading to high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause a heart attack, a stroke.

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 4. can't sleep

 If you are overweight, belly fat has increased to a great extent, then you may have problems sleeping at night. This is because weight or access belly fat increases diseases like snoring, anxiety, sleep apnea. These problems negatively affect health. If you want to avoid these problems, then start following the tips and methods of reducing excess belly fat from today.

 5. heart disease increases risk

 There is also an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases due to excess weight or belly fat. High blood pressure causes pressure on blood vessels. Also, the risk of heart disease also increases due to inflammation.

 Tips for Belly Fat: Some people have too much fat in their belly fat. Stomach starts to look like hanging. No dress suits the body. Even after a lot of exercise, belly fat does not decrease. If you are also troubled by belly fat, then you start drinking herbal tea. You must have started your day by drinking milk tea, but now change this habit. Here we are telling you about 4 such teas, which are beneficial for health as well as reducing belly fat reducing tips.

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 These are the 4 teas, which if you drink, will reduce belly fat fast.

 1. Green Tea

 Many people are now consuming green tea, as it plays an important role in reducing weight. Green tea contains an antioxidant called catechin, which can help you reduce belly fat. Drink it twice a day.

 Tips for Weight Loss: 4 home remedies to lose weight, definitely try TRAI

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 2. Oolong Tea

 Oolong tea helps boost metabolism. Apart from this, by drinking this tea, the fat present in the body also burns fast. Oolong tea can be drunk daily in the morning to reduce belly fat.

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 3. White Tea

 You must be wondering what kind of tea this white tea is. Actually, rich in antioxidants and enzymes, white tea reduces fat very fast and in a short time. You must consume it to burn belly fat.

 4. Herbal Tea

 Consumption of herbal tea is also prepared by mixing many things such as basil, ginger, jaggery etc. with herbs. Drinking herbal tea boosts metabolism, which does not cause weight gain. Also, belly fat is also low.

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