How Diabetes Affects (Women - man) Symptoms, Risks, and More complete guide (2021)


diabetes symptoms in women

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), a woman who has diabetes might not experience symptoms in its early stages. Often, diabetes has no noticeable symptoms at first. They can also be misdiagnosed or ignored by the individual, as it often goes undiagnosed. This can lead to the condition becoming much worse and damage to the organs of the body.

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The best thing that a woman can do is consult a doctor when experiencing any symptoms. If diabetes is a serious condition, then the doctor will check to see if this is the case. If it is, he or she will then begin treatment and increase the amount of medications.

Causes and risk factors

In women, diabetes often causes weight gain and can cause complications such as bone loss and nerve damage. Women with diabetes are three times more likely to experience complications, such as decreased blood flow and heart damage, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

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Other causes of diabetes in women include:

  • gestational diabetes
  • unknown paternity
  • geriatric menopause
  • unknown maternal diabetes

lifestyle choices that cause weight gain or excessive levels of cholesterol and triglycerides

  • older age

  • physical trauma

inflammatory conditions such as lupus, lupus nephritis, or rheumatoid arthritis

Also, eating a high-fat, low-fiber diet can cause diabetes.


An ultrasound or X-ray of the abdomen may be used to diagnose the early stages of diabetes in women. An ultrasound or X-ray of the abdomen may be used to diagnose the early stages of diabetes in women.

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To diagnose diabetes, a doctor will generally look for a number of symptoms. Some of these symptoms include:

  • high blood sugar levels

  • frequent urination, especially at night

  • weight gain that is not the result of weight gain caused by overeating or sedentary lifestyle

  • insulin resistance

  • menstrual cycles that do not coincide with the cycle of the moon

  • diabetes-related problems, such as weakness, swelling, pain, and joint problems

  • poor wound healing

  • A doctor may use blood glucose tests and insulin injections to confirm diabetes.
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The initial stage of diabetes will typically be treated with medication. A doctor will then follow up with counseling and advice for prevention.

Some of the treatments available include:

  • healthy eating

  • exercise

  • medication

Early treatment of diabetes can prevent many health complications. It can also lessen symptoms and slow the onset of some of the complications of the condition.

An insulin pump, also known as an insulin delivery device, can help people manage their glucose levels. It allows them to keep a more constant level of insulin throughout the day.

People with diabetes may need to take multiple types of medication to treat their condition. The types of medication used depend on the symptoms that the person experiences, as well as the level of resistance.

These may include the following:

  • low blood sugar levels

  • low blood pressure

  • high blood pressure

  • eye problems

  • feet problems

  • muscle problems

  • brain problems

  • heart problems

  • mouth problems
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While medications are the primary treatment, doctors often prescribe other treatments as well. For example, a person may receive injections of metformin or other medications to help keep their glucose levels low.

Treatment for diabetes in men

If a man has diabetes, he may experience similar symptoms to women, but they may take longer to appear.

Many people experience shortness of breath, swelling, and increased thirst and urination as the body works to control its blood sugar levels.

Additionally, men with diabetes are more likely to experience serious complications, such as heart problems, heart attacks, and strokes.

Diagnosing diabetes in men

Treatment for diabetes varies depending on the type of diabetes.

For type 2 diabetes, medication or diet can be used to control the condition. For type 1 diabetes, lifestyle changes and insulin injections are required.

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Treatment may also include modifying exercise and diet to keep glucose levels from being too high.

When to see a doctor

People who experience shortness of breath, swelling, or decreased energy may want to see a doctor.

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People who experience shortness of breath, swelling, or decreased energy may want to see a doctor. Also, if someone experiences these symptoms after a significant meal, they should talk to a doctor or dietitian.

Anyone with diabetes who has had any of the following symptoms should see a doctor:

  • frequent urination, especially at night

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • blurred vision

  • weight gain

  • unexplained weight loss

  • problems chewing or swallowing

  • irregularly high or low blood sugar levels

  • lightheadedness, fainting, or dizziness

  • heart palpitations, chest pain, or rapid heartbeat

Risk factors for diabetes

Certain risk factors are linked to increased chances of developing diabetes, including:

  • family history

  • having high blood pressure

  • living in a high-risk environment, such as a developing country

medications, including birth control pills and medications used to treat high blood pressure, such as warfarin or other anticoagulants:

  • obesity

  • smoking

  • Diagnosis
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An examination to determine the cause of shortness of breath, swelling, and changes in blood sugar may help a doctor diagnose diabetes.

If a doctor suspects that a person may have diabetes, they may perform an immediate blood test to confirm the diagnosis.

During the blood test, a doctor will prick the finger or dip a small needle into the finger to draw a sample of blood. The sample will then be sent to the lab for analysis.

After the test, the doctor will ask questions to determine the following:

  • any history of gestational diabetes

  • any family history of diabetes

  • whether the person smokes or used to smoke

Tests and diagnosis

A doctor may ask a person about family history of diabetes and whether any members of the family had gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

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Tests can confirm or rule out diabetes, which can help confirm the diagnosis. A doctor may also order additional tests.

Initial blood glucose test

The first blood test that a doctor performs will test the glucose level in a person's blood.

The doctor will examine a person's hands to determine whether there are any blue marks on the tips of the index and middle fingers. If there are, they may also test the tops of the index and middle fingers.

The glucose level in a person's blood should be below 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). However, doctors may order a further test, which involves an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).

During the OGTT, a person drinks a sugar-rich drink or has a concentrated sugar solution, known as a glucometer, dripped into their mouth. This is to check for evidence of fasting blood glucose levels and for the possibility of prediabetes.

Once the doctor determines that there is no evidence of prediabetes, a person can be referred to a diabetes specialist.


During an OGTT, a doctor will test the sugar level in the blood with a glucometer. The sugar level in a person's blood should be below 100 mg/dL.

If a doctor suspects that a person may have diabetes, they will repeat this test after 6–12 hours and before a meal to check the result.

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If a doctor finds high blood glucose levels during the OGTT, they will perform further tests to confirm diabetes.

Blood sugar level readings during OGTT

Levels of HbA1c (mg/dL) in a person's blood may be measured during an OGTT.

High levels of HbA1c can indicate diabetes. A doctor will test a person's fasting blood glucose levels first and compare them to their HbA1c levels before and after the OGTT.

Blood glucose levels will be measured at the same time every time that a person takes the OGTT.

A doctor will also test a person's urine to test for ketones, which are produced when the body burns sugar. Ketones can increase a person's blood sugar levels.

Other tests

In addition to the OGTT, a doctor may perform some other tests.

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Pancreas function tests

To test a person's pancreas function, the doctor may check for any signs of dysfunction, which may indicate diabetes.

Cirrhosis of the liver

A doctor may perform tests to determine whether a person has cirrhosis of the liver, which is a form of liver disease.

If a doctor suspects that a person has cirrhosis, they may perform various tests to see if the liver is functioning properly.

Liver biopsy

A doctor may use a small tube, known as a lancet, to insert a needle into the liver and take a small sample of blood to test for the presence of any signs of liver damage or disease.

Liver ultrasound

A doctor may use an ultrasound scan, known as an echocardiogram, to look for abnormalities that may indicate liver damage.

Liver CT scan

A doctor may use a CT scan to look for signs of liver damage. A doctor may use a CT scan to look for signs of liver damage.

A doctor may use a CT scan to examine a person's liver and look for signs of liver damage.

Doctors may also use a CT scan to help find areas of the liver that may be scarred or abnormal.

Liver biopsy

A doctor may also perform a liver biopsy. This is done to see whether any signs of liver damage or disease exist.

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A doctor will usually diagnose diabetes based on a person's symptoms, blood glucose levels, and the appearance of the skin or eyes.

If a person's blood glucose levels are low but they have no other symptoms, they may test a person's urine to check for signs of low blood sugar, called hypoglycemia unawareness.

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When to see a doctor

Anyone who suspects that they might have diabetes should see their doctor.

If a person has diabetes, they should start to take more control of their health.

The doctor may recommend lifestyle changes, which can help prevent and control diabetes.

A doctor may advise that a person lose weight, stop smoking, and reduce their alcohol intake to avoid complications.

After a diabetes diagnosis, a person should make a plan to stay healthy.

They can use this plan to talk to a doctor about managing their symptoms and taking other necessary steps to prevent further complications.


After a doctor has diagnosed a person with diabetes, they can develop a treatment plan.

Diabetes can be managed successfully, and this can help a person enjoy a longer, healthier life.

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A person may need to take multiple medications to manage their symptoms. They may also need to do regular blood work and check their blood glucose levels regularly.

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