Learn All About Some Unknown Things About President Trump. From This Politician.


Donald John Trump (born: 14 June 1946) was the 45th President of the United States of America on 9 November 2016.

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 ðŸ‘‰He was a candidate from the Republican Party and defeated his rival Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton and won the victory.

 ðŸ‘‰ His residence is Trump Tower, Manhattan.

 ðŸ‘‰ Their total assets are 400 million dollars

  👉 An American real estate businessman, American businessman, TV personality, politician, author. On December 19, 2014, the US Parliament successfully campaigned impeachment against him. This is the third time in the history of America after Bill Clinton (1979) and Andrew Jackson (18). Both Clinton and Andrew Jackson were later removed from office.


 He is educated at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

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 Trump attended Fornum University in the Bronx for two years in the early 1979 agitation.

  He later offered the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, one of the few real estate studies departments in education in the United States at the time

 , While there, she worked on the family company, named for Elizabeth Trump and son, her grandmother.

 He graduated from Penn in May 1949 with a bachelor's degree in economics.

 private life👇

 Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York City. His parents are named Mary Anne and Fred Trump.

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  Trump Presbyterian believes in Christianity. Trump holds a degree in economics. Trump has done three weddings.

  The first marriage was to Ivana (former Olympic player). This marriage, which took place in 1977, lasted until 1991.

 Then they got divorced in 1999 by making Marla (actress) a life partner in 1993.

 Subsequently married to Melania (model) in 2005. The first wives are Donald Trump Jr. from Ivana, Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump, the second wife Tiffany Trump from Marla, the third wife is William Trump from Melania.

  He studied at Foderm University and the University of Pennsylvania's Warton School of Finance and Commerce. He started working in the father's company since college.


 He remained in political activity from 2001 to 2008, staying in the Democratic Party and from 2009 in the Republican Party.

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  In the election of the post of President from the Republican Party in the year 2014, Vijay Shree was obtained on 9 November 2016.


 Preliminary action👇

 Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States on January 20, 2017.

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  During his first week in office, he signed six executive orders

  Interim procedures in anticipation of repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, re-establishment of Mexico City policy, unlocking Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline construction projects, strengthen border security Do, and begin the planning and design process to build a wall along the US border with Mexico.

 On January 31, Trump nominated US Appeal Court Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill a seat on the Supreme Court held by Justice Antonin Scalia until his death in 2016.


 Trump's proposed immigration policies were the subject of bitter and controversial debate during the campaign.

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 He promised to build a more substantial wall on the Mexico-United States border to keep illegal immigrants out, and vowed that Mexico would pay for it.

 He pledged to widely deport illegal immigrants living in the United States, and criticized birthright citizenship for creating "anchor children".

 He said deportation would focus on criminals, visa overstays and security threats.

 travel ban👇

 Following the November 2015 Paris attacks, Trump made a controversial proposal to prevent Muslim foreigners from entering the United States until strong vetting systems could be implemented.

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 He later reiterated the proposed ban to apply to countries with a "proven history of terrorism".

 On January 27, 2017, Trump signed Executive Order 13769, which suspended the entry of refugees for 120 days, citing security concerns to citizens of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen entered.

 The order was imposed without warning and took effect immediately. Confusion and protests caused chaos at the airport.

  The administration then clarified that visitors with green cards were exempt from the ban.

 Edit family separation at the border

 In April 2018, Trump implemented a "zero tolerance" immigration policy, in which adults irregularly enter the US for criminal prosecution and forcibly separate children from parents

  Abolished the policy of the previous administration, making exceptions for families with children.

 By mid-June, more than 2,300 children were housed in shelters, including "tender age" shelters for babies and toddlers, policies ending in demands from Democrats, Republicans, Trump allies and religious groups went.

  Trump falsely asserted that his administration was merely following the law. On June 20, Trump signed an executive order to end family separation on the US border.

  On June 26, a federal judge in San Diego issued a preliminary injunction requiring the Trump administration to separate individual immigrants from their young children and unify family groups that are separated at the border.


 Other legal matters👇

 American porn film actress Stormy Daniels has alleged that she and Trump had an affair in 2006, which Trump denied.

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 In January 2018, it was reported that Daniel was paid $ 130,000 by Trump's attorney Michael Cohen as part of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) just before the 2016 presidential election

 Cohen later stated that he paid her with his money. In February 2018, Daniels asked Cohen's company to be released from the NDA and allowed him to tell his story.

 Cohen obtained a restraining order preventing him from discussing the case. In March, Daniels claimed in court that the NDA never went into effect because Trump had not personally signed it.

  In April, Trump said he did not know Cohen had to pay Daniels why Cohen paid or where Cohen received the money.

 In May, Trump's annual financial disclosure revealed that he reimbursed Cohen in 2017 for payments related to Daniels.

 In August 2018, in a case brought by the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York, Cohen pleaded guilty in federal court to breaking the campaign finance law

  Daniels agreed to pay $ 130,000 and $ 150,000 in funds indirectly to Playboy model Karen McDougall, and said they did it in Trump's direction with the aim of influencing the presidential election.

 In response, Trump said he only knew about the "later" payment, and that he personally paid Cohen, not out of campaign money.

 Cohen also said that he would cooperate fully with Russia in a special consultation investigation.


 On June 12, 2018, after several rounds of preliminary staff-level meetings, Trump and Kim held a bilateral summit in Singapore.

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 In a joint declaration, the two countries pledged to join their efforts to create a lasting and stable peacekeeping on the Korean peninsula, while North Korea pledged its April 2018 promise to "work towards complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula" .


 During the campaign he said he would relocate the US Embassy in Israel from its current location in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv.

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  On May 22, 2017, Trump was the first US president to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem during his first foreign trip.

 Which included Israel, Italy, the Vatican and Belgium. Trump officially recognized Israel as the capital on December 6, 2017, despite criticism and warnings from world leaders.

 Trump said he would begin the process of establishing a new US embassy in Jerusalem, which was later opened on May 14, 2018.

 The United Nations General Assembly condemned the move in an emergency session on December 21, 2017, accepting all resolutions to "refrain from establishing diplomatic missions in the Holy City of Jerusalem".

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